Provider Invoice Checklist & Templates
If you are a service provider with a participant plan managed by First Avenue, we understand you would like to receive payment as soon as possible.
For prompt payment, please email your invoice to and check the following information is included on your invoice:
‘Tax Invoice’ must be included on the invoice
Business Name
Business Address
Business phone number
Business email address
Australian Business Number (ABN)
A unique invoice number
Date the invoice has been issued
Participant’s name
Participant’s address
Participant’s NDIS Number
Participant’s date of birth (if known)
Date/s the service was delivered
Quantity of service/s provided (such as the number of hours)
Unit price of service/s provided (your agreed hourly rate)
Description of support and Support item number – (for example, Assistance With Self-Care Activities - 01_011_0107_1_1)
claim type - for example, non face-to-face support, provider travel, short notice cancellation or NDIS Requested Report
Whether GST was applied to the product or service
Total amount owing
Details for payment: Bank account name, BSB and account number
Billing Contact details: Name, contact number and email address (for remittance advice)
Please note the invoice can only be for one participant but can include multiple supports.
Refer to the ATO website for more information about tax invoices and GST-free NDIS supplies .