NDIS Plan Implementation Directory is now available

The NDIS has launched the Plan Implementation Directory to support participants and their families and carers to find the right information needed to make the best use of their NDIS plans.

The directory is an accessible platform and has links to key topics that participants have said are important to help use their NDIS plan.

The NDIS developed the directory by working closely with participants in more than 570 hours of engagement and consultation.

Participants, their families and carers can use the Plan Implementation Directory to:

  • understand their plan

  • start their plan

  • use their plan

  • work with providers

  • know what to do when something goes wrong.

They have launched the Directory as a test version. This means they will continue to update the directory based on what you tell them you would like to see in the Directory.

Want to know more?
To learn about the Directory and find more information to help you use your plan, Click here.


Pricing updates – announced 22 June 2022


The NDIA has introduced a new plan review process...